COUNTY ANTRIM - Dark Hedges and Dunluce Castle

From our accommodation in County Donegal, we ventured across into Northern Ireland to see some of the iconic sites: Dark Hedges, Dunluce Castle and The Giant’s Causeway. Technically Northern Ireland is apart of the United Kingdom, but we were able to easily cross the border in our car.

Our first stop was the Dark Hedges, an atmospheric tree lined road that has been made extra famous when it was featured in Game of Thrones, although it was already one of the most photographed locations in Northern Ireland. It also has a spooky ghost story about the Grey Lady who haunted the beech tree lined road.

My photos honestly don’t do it justice. It would look phenomenal at sunrise or sunset with a zoom lens and fancy camera. I’ve just been using my iphone on this trip, and it’s been extremely convenient but this location (and many others) have made me pine for my old Canon 5Dmk3 and lens.

We parked in the nearby carpark of the Hedges Hotel (parking was approx 5 euro from memory) and this location will forever more be remembered as where Hallie and Rooney both slipped over in the mud, only seconds after Braino told them not to run on the muddy grassy. It was honestly like a scene from Funniest Home Videos, I could barely contain my laugher while Braino came close to loosing his cool. Thankfully we had the suitcases in the car, as we had checked out that morning, so we were able to change the girls into clean clothes. Crisis averted.

After the Dark Hedges, we travelled on to Dunluce Castle, a magnificent ruin from the 16th and 17th centuries. It was inhabited by both the feuding McQuillan and MacDonnell clans and dramatically sits in a rocky headland overlooking the ocean. This is probably my favourite castle ruin that we’ve visits in Ireland, the location is just spectacular! It was also used as a location in Game of Thrones, although with a lot more CGI.