Adventure Awaits: An Introduction to Our Family Gap Year

It’s finally ticked over in to 2024 and what has seemed like a distant dream is fast becoming a reality.

We have less than 6 months before we depart on what will no doubt be a trip of a lifetime.

Something that I’ve been dreaming about for many many years, and something that we have been actively planning over the last 6 months. Now that we’re on the other side of Christmas and into the new year the countdown for trip is officially on and it’s beginning to feel so real.

The trip in question is our year-long, around-the-world, family gap year. Sounds huge hey?! I almost can’t believe it myself. Who does this kind of thing!? But now as a I write this blog post I can feel my emotions changing. It’s strange because I’ve almost not let myself get excited about it. But I can feel something inside shifting, a sense of genuine excitement that has been buried deep.

Over the holiday period we finally told all of our family and friends and the responses have ranged from pure excitement for us, to genuine bewilderment and maybe a few hints of scepticism and jealously, which is only natural I guess. It’s not everyday that you hear of a family packing up their lives to go traveling for a year, let alone know people who do it.

This is what has finally prompted me to finally start blogging / journalling / documenting the whole process. I’ve been putting it off for a while now but it’s something I’ve always wanted to do; document and sharing my travels.

I’m sure this blog will change and evolve over the year to come but this is just me making a start.
